genaral medicine case 2

This is an online e log book to discuss our patient de-identified health data shared after taking his /her /guardians signed informed consent.Here we discuss our individual patients problem through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problem with collective current best evidence based input.

This e blog also reflects my patients centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on the comment box is welcome.

A 60 old male patient presents to opd with complaints of swelling from below waist and has got pain in upper back and lower back and fatigue.

History of present illness:

Patient was apparently asymptomatic 3 months back and had pedal edema and has gradual onset and slow progressive and shortness of breath on exertion and decreased urine output.

History of past illness:

Patient was admitted to opd with a condition of kidney failure with nausea and vomiting.

Patient had a minor surgery near neck .

Patient is hypertensive and developed diabetes since 4 days during investigations.

Personal history:

Appatite : normal

Diet : mixed

Bowel and bladder movement : regular 

Habits: occasional consumption of alcohol

Family history:

No similar condition resemblance in family.

General examination:

Pallor: yes 

Cyanosis: no 



Clubbing of toes or fingers: no 

Oedema of feet: yes 


Temperature: afebrile

B.P.: 170/100 

Pulse rate: 98

Systemic examination


S1 S2 can be heard.

Respiratory system.



Position of trachea:central 


Shape of abdomen: scaphoid 

Palpable mass: none 

Palpable spleen:absent 

Palpable liver:absent 

Bowel sounds: yes 

Provisional diagnosis: 



HBSag rapid test- negative 

Anti-HSV antibodies rapid test-non reactive

Serum iron-100ug/dl(normal range 61-157)

Bleeding time-2min30sec

Clotting time-5min


Blood urea-192

Serum creatinine-15.7


Inj. lasix40mg-BID 

Tab. Nodosis500mg-BID 

Tab crofer-BID 

Tab shelcal-OID 

Inj erythropoietin 1000U SC-weekly twice

Fluid restriction<1.5l/day 

Salt intake restriction<4g/day


What stimulated to cause vomiting in the patient?

Is hypertension the cause for sudden onset of diabeties in the individual?


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